Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Still no improvement - and I fly out tonight

Disaster! Still no improvement.

Again a night of broken sleep. I feel OK but I still cant eat, my skin is clammy and I'm hot. I'm assured that I look fine.

I have 4 weapons against upset stomach in my extraordinarily extensive home made trekking medical kit. I have pills and potions in there to cover all circumstances including but not exclusively Typhoid, Smallpox, a range of melanomas and nuclear attack. I decide that I need to dip into my magic set and I carefully select a mid level anti diahorrea potion, blackcurrent flavoured presumably to make it seem more appealing. It isnt.

The milky looking fluid tastes as bad as it looks. But it seems to help so I dont care!

I think Becky may be changing her diagnosis. The issue seems to be being taken more seriously today!

Dried toast is offered as an alternative to the oranges that I have testing my system with. I accept and cautiously eat half a slice. Slight discomfort but systems are going. Great I now have my window of oppertunity to check and repack. I grasp it with both arms. There isnt a moment to lose.

Soon we are on the way and M25 traffic is bad. I check in at 7.30, 2 hours ahead of flight but with a 40 minute walk to the gate and boarding at 8.30 there isnt much time. A brave farewell and we part. After an extended loo visit en route I need to call in the big guns and take a couple of immodium!

(Im having to precis from now as my online time is limited at the moment)

The flight took off 2 hours late and arrived in Kathmandu via a brief stop at Doha where the airport was well organised and spotless.

Almost had no baggage - we were told the London package of bags was still at Doha but suddenly the belt started up again and out they came.

Arrived at th ehotem and was presented with a silk hindu garland and a drink to welcome me to Nepal. Expect a photo here when I get back!


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